Moving season has officially begun! Many people will be planning, organizing, and managing their move to a new home. Anyone who has been through a move has probably noticed all the wasted cardboard boxes at the end, though. But did you know there are easy ways to reduce the amount of cardboard boxes used during a move? Let’s see how!

The Cardboard Alternative

Moving has been synonymous with cardboard boxes. Usually lots of them! It’s often the packaging of choice for individuals and moving companies. However, this traditionally creates unnecessary waste! We end up using lots of them for a day or two, and then we have to get rid of them.

Did you know that there is a more environmentally friendly option? Did you know you could rent plastic boxes? This under-utilized option has many interesting advantages, and deserves to be more popular!  This type of rental could become the method of choice!

Polyform - Moving Plastic Box

Benefits of the Plastic Moving Box

Best for the Environment

One of the biggest advantages of using plastic boxes is that each can be used up to 400 times. You can move many times without having to dispose of the boxes, and, as they come with a lid, say goodbye to hunting for tape!  Just another way to limit waste associated with transport of your goods.

A Sustainable and Hygienic Solution

Everyone has had the experience of finding out, while opening boxes, that one or many objects have been broken during transport. As plastic boxes are sturdier, your items will be safer and less at risk! Plastic boxes also offer a barrier against humidity, so if your boxes get wet in contact with water while you are moving, the box will not be affected. Plastic is also stronger, protecting against physical damage.

Plastic moving boxes are easy to clean and sanitize with “green” cleaning products so they can be reused, something not possible with cardboard boxes. As Andrew MacDonald, founder of Polar Box, a weekly rental plastics boxes company, says, “In plastic, insects have nowhere to hide unlike cardboard where they can live when its humid.” This makes it a great product to consider during renovations or floods!

An affordable product, or not?

Plastic boxes are usually delivered directly to your house: you do not have to go get them at the store. Once your move is finished, the company picks them up, meaning that you do not have to worry about getting rid of them. Of course, this this service involves paying some fees, but it may be less expensive in the end. Since the boxes can be stacked once full, there is a space gain in the truck and the movers’ work is simplified. As they can also carry several boxes on a cart, they can end the day much earlier. Time and space savings mean costs savings!

Prices are determined by the number of rooms and number of weeks. For example, for a single bedroom apartment, it should cost less than $100 if the boxes are kept for a whole week.

Polystyrene, Equally Environmentally Friendly

When moving, we sometimes purchase new items such as furniture, appliances, electronic equipment, etc. which are protected with “foam”. Some movers will also use polystyrene protective corners to secure your goods. These pieces can be reused a few times prior to being recycled.

Will you be using polystyrene coolers to transport the contents of your refrigerator or freezer? In addition to being a great way of keeping your food fresh, it can be reused for other events, and it can be recycled.

In fact, you can easily drop off your polystyrene at a collection point or the nearest ecocentre! The material you bring will be recovered and enhanced!

Polyform - Polystyrene Environmentally Friendly

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