Plastic items can easily be recycled and reused. They can be transformed in various functional and economical objects. It is easy to spend a lot of money on garden accessories and water toys for the kids. Have you ever thought of integrating plastic items in your garden and other summer activities?


Plastic bottles offer many options: they can be used as plant containers, watering cans or even bird feeders!

Polyform - Recycled plastics

Plastic utensils can also be used in the garden: a great way to identify your plantings!

Polyform - Collecting and recycling plastic


Creating water games with recycled plastic bottles is simple and kids love to take part in such projects. A cheap and fun way to keep them busy!

Polyform - Recycled plastic toys

Reuse and recycle

Those objects can be reused for many years, extending their life cycle. When their useful life comes to an end, they can be placed in the recycling bin. Moreover, Polyform collects plastic items such as plastic bottles and utensils to transform them in new products. The transformed materials surplus is then redistributed on the market as raw material.

Learn more about plastic collection and recycling.