An Award for Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Recycling

Last night, on march 2nd 2015, EPS Industry’s judges had to decide who the winner was going to be for the Excellence in EPS Recycling Award. The event took place in Indianapolis (Indiana, USA) during EPS EXPO 2015.

Around 7 pm, it was official: Polyform had won the award! Through North America, the Excellence in EPS Recycling Award was created to “recognize outstanding achievements and best practices in foam recycling, including special initiatives, innovation and technology advancement. The award will also heighten EPS recycling awareness and will serve as a model for others to improve their programs”. 4 judges took part of the decision process, all of them coming from different companies and associations: GreenBlue, Keep America Beautiful, Packaging Digest and Moore Recycling Associates Inc.

Collect, Recycle and Enhance Plastic Products

This is the second award that we win in 2015. Our team is very proud to keep making efforts and to see the progress in the industry. We keep following this path and we always innovate to create sustainable products and solutions.

Learn more about the recycling process.

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