Among the thousand products designed by Polyform, we find the famous exercise foam rollers. Those rollers are made of expanded polypropylene, a material we have been using for years in many sectors. They are lightweight, available in various densities, and meet the growing demand for workout products. Popularized by physiotherapists and personal trainers, these rollers can be used to improve balance, flexibility, and strength, and allow you to focus on surpassing yourself.

We’ve created a brand-new identity and a new logo dedicated to our KINEPRO foam rollers. The new name is in fact a mix of three adjectives describing it perfectly:

“Kinesiology” for movement, prevention, physical activity, and muscular pain management;

“EPP”, the acronym for expanded polypropylene, since it’s used to create this firm and sustainable roller that won’t distort with usage;

“Professional” to show our product has been created for the wholesale distribution and professional centers.


KINEPPRO rollers are made with pride right here in our Canadian plants. Polyform has the qualifications to conceive and manufacture your rollers, meeting your requirements. The size, shape, raw material, and even the colour can be personalized to create your own product before commercialising it. Whether you have your own foam roller company or your own workout center, KINEPPRO is the solution.

You can purchase your foam rollers by contacting your sales representative or by contacting us directly.