Polyform owns our own transport fleet, allowing us to offer delivery services with better control of follow-ups and delivery efficiency. Have a transportation provider you’d like to use? You can opt for your own delivery truck or for the services of your preferred transport company.
We also offer expanded polystyrene waste collection and recycling service. We can collect the material as we deliver your products. This service is offered in partnership with Polyvert Recyclage who will handle the logistics and ensure efficiency. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information on this service.
Our team has the required qualifications to analyse your needs, to find the perfect solution for your project, and even create the technical drawings for production. This is how we can design a prototype to fulfill your needs. Modifications can also be made to your prototype to ensure all your expectations are met. Once those steps are completed, production can start, and you are ensured that your products conform to your requirements.
We also offer assembly services if needed: You get an added-value, turnkey solution, ready to hit the market. It is possible to go through the whole process with us. If you would like to design a product, contact us!
Our professionals are constantly on the lookout for innovations and new technologies. They keep learning on new methods while optimizing current processes. We are proactive and committed to providing you with the best possible solution.
At Polyform, research and development also mean putting our experience to work by proposing new materials, new products, new and more efficient manufacturing processes, better services, and more.
You have the possibility to design and develop your own mould with our experts. Les Moules Samco Inc., one of our divisions, is dedicated to mould manufacturing, as complex as it can be.
We can build prototypes to ensure the product conforms to your needs and expectations. Prototyping is a critical step to do before starting the mould’s conception: it allows you to confirm the part is exactly as you need it.